Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Song I'm Listening To : Panic At The Disco! - But It's Better If You Do
Mood : .Lost.UnableToThinkStraight.CantFigureOutThings.

well... tomorrow will be the actual day that work begins at my posting at GSAB HQ. over the past days since POP, ive been at GSAB HQ (Rifle Range Camp 1) watching what the other RP specialists and men do during their shifts and learning the ropes from em. oh yea, i didnt tell u guyz, my job at GSAB HQ will be that of a RP Specialist (RP COMMANDER or u can call it SECURITY GUARD.zzz). Out of the 4 of us posted to GSAB HQ as RP specs, we all got posted out to different places. im staying at GSAB HQ (PAD) while chew yi goes to PLAD (Pasir Laba Ammo Dump) and the other 2 go TAD (Tengah Ammo Dump) and PYAD (Paya Lebar Ammo Dump). PAD is relatively convenient to go other than the long way into the camp from the main road. my job is from 8am to 5pm thus i can go for dinner with u guyz if u guyz want. leave me a sms if u wanna. my phone is reachable 24/7 unless its outta batt. lolx.

other than this... things havent been going well... just today... many things happened. my D drive juz got problems and blew up... all my stuff tt r stored in there r nw unretrievable... luckily my music and anime (except Air Gear which was recently relocated into D drive) are all saved. 103 episodes of Bleach. phew. imagine downloading those again. lolx. another major issue... i shall not talk about here... it is this other issue that is causing me the most headache... its killing me... if it wasnt bad enough to be left alone at GSAB HQ, things had to get worse... losing a fren like tt... WTF la... FUCK IT MAN! zzz... cant take this la...

as for the outing this weekend... too lil response then fucking dun go lor. zzz... kaobei, say lousy organiser. fuck off la... u so zai, u go fucking do. dun fucking push to me. i give u my 8 to 5 job la. talk so much shit.

i need some1 to talk to man. some1....


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